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  • Writer's pictureKaty Sophia

May Energies - Growth & Abundance

Welcome to the month of May, with its energies of growth and regeneration.

We begin the month with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all in Taurus, the sign of fixed earth. Spring is here in the Northern hemisphere, and new green growth is all around us. This is a month to make good progress towards your goals. We are in the year of the Wood Dragon, which favours forwards movement and expansion. This works well with Taurean energy, so now is the time to tend the plants you wish to see blooming in your garden.

Mercury, the winged messenger, is moving through Aries, still in shadow phase until 8 May. It was an intense retrograde period in this fire sign, with powerful unpredictable occurrences and sudden misunderstandings. Communications are still finding their balance; however, you should now have new insight into people and relationships, and be ready to make a fresh start. Mercury in Aries can be a time of divine inspiration.

Venus is in Taurus, her home sign. This transit favours music and the arts of all kinds, love of nature, natural remedies, mind-body therapies, sensuality, self-care, enjoyment of simple pleasures, and taking the time to find peace and harmony within.

Venus in the Underworld: Venus passed through the Earth Star chakra gate on the eclipse on 8 April, which was a time of shamanic death and deep release. On 28 April she disappeared from the morning sky, and is now in the underworld until July when she rises as the Evening Star. This is a time to meditate deeply on relationships, your relationship with yourself and the Creator, and how you can be true to your inner Divine spark. Venus has gone through her Descent as the Leo Goddess. You may find you have let go of many things that were blocking your authentic light since last August. This is a time to dive deeply into your soul essence, ready to rise again as the Solar Goddess in July.

Mars is now in Aries, his home sign. The impulse to action should be bold and unhindered. This is a great time to make progress towards your dreams, by focusing on the right course of action. This is also an ideal time to begin a new health regime or physical discipline.

On 2 May Pluto goes retrograde until 11 October, in Aquarius, and later Capricorn. This brings a subtle shift into the realm of inner power. Pluto affects you more strongly if you have personal planets contacting it in your natal chart. Look at the aspects it is making, and go back to the source of your power. Take responsibility for your life, and do not blame or project onto others. This can be rewarding time of introspection and self-empowerment, and does not need to be negative.

We begin the month with Pluto sextile Mars, and square Venus. This brings an opportunity to determine a new course of action, and see through relationship issues to the core healing that needs to happen

8 May New Moon in Taurus 03.21 GMT /UT

The New Moon at 18* Taurus is conjunct Uranus, so expect the unexpected! This new moon is all about planting seeds, and manifesting your dreams in the earth element. Focus on what you are building and growing, and call in divine inspiration. Uranian energies are at play..

15 May Mercury enters Taurus: communications become more practical, methodical, and slower-paced. Your mind can have a positive impact on your surroundings.

20 May Sun enters Gemini: as the Sun illuminates the sign of mutable air, for the next thirty days the spotlight will be oncommunication, circulation, movement and the sharing of ideas. This is a very sociable time, and many new connections can be made.

23 May Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius 13.53 GMT /UT

The full moon in Sagittarius is the wisdom moon. This brings the balance between intellect and wisdom, the mind and the higher mind, mental focus and guidance from the masters. There are many positive aspects around this moon, including a Venus Jupiter conjunction aligned with the Sun.

23 May Venus Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: this aspect calls in the energy of love, abundance, prosperity, manifestation and bliss. Make the most of this alignment and focus on what you wish to create.


23 May Venus enters Gemini: relationships will benefit from increased communication, and a light-hearted take on things. It is time to introduce more fun and playfulness to proceedings. Change things up, and you may find some problems just melt away.

25 May Jupiter enters Gemini: the great benefic, Jupiter planet of wisdom, begins his sojourn through Gemini, which happens every twelve years. Jupiter magnifies and expands the sign it is in. The focus will be on media and social media, and the ways we communicate and share information. This will have its upside and downside, as always. It can be a great time to find a platform and make your voice heard. We may also see certain stories and issues blowing up and spiralling out of control.

If you would like a personal Astrological consultation, I am here as always to assist you in guided reflections on your soul path, helping you find the keys to unlock patterns, release the wisdom and shift to the next level.

If you would like to learn astrology, or deepen your study, I invite you to check out the Astro Retreat Luxor, taking place in October. The last group had an amazing time, and the journey continues!

If you are guided to an Akashic reading on the Full Moon in Sagittarius, I offer these combined with distance Sekhem energy healing, and clients give wonderful feedback on these sessions.

The next Sacred Journey through Egypt is taking place in November, it is already filling and a few sister places remain. We will have private access to the Isis Temple at Philae, where we will do priestess of Isis initiations at dawn. We also have our private soul healing ceremony in the Great Pyramid of Giza, a once in a lifetime experience.

Wishing you a month of continued growth, abundance & bliss

Love & blessings

Katy x

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