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Katy Sophia
May 1, 20223 min read
Beltane /New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse - Magical Manifestations
The New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse is a powerful reset point. The energies of April have been super highly charged, with the Jupiter...

Katy Sophia
May 30, 202014 min read
Twin Flame Truths - Soul Mates, Karmics, Twin Flames & the Path of Ascension
Twin flames. Everyone seems to have an idea about what they are, and much of the information out there is conflicting and confusing. The tru
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Katy Sophia
May 8, 20204 min read
Full Moon in Scorpio – Lunar Beltane – Wesak - Magical Alchemy & Healing
As the light shines bright and the shadows emerge, we can clearly see what we are up against in terms of the dying of the old world, and the
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