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Goddess Hathor

   Hathor Foundation    

Hathor Foundation


A charitable foundation for women and girls in Luxor, helping to empower and assist through education, counselling and wellbeing services in the community.


"Let me be the hands, eyes and voice of the Goddess" 


Our Vision

Born of a vision that the women of Luxor should have access to education, counselling and advice to combat poverty, and to assist with life traumas, thereby empowering them to be strong members of the community. The foundation works to alleviate poverty through education, and assists women through traumatic life events by the provision of counselling services and a community centre. We  offer services for female health and wellbeing, educational classes and skills workshops. We aim to bring healing, balance and empowerment to these women, thereby benefiting the community at large.


What we offer


Counselling, Coaching & Advice

Counsellors are Egyptian Arabic speaking, connecting with the local women. We will go on to offer classes and workshops as we identify areas of need. Counsellors are registered with the High Council of Women in Cairo.


Classes and Workshops

We aim to offer classes on female health and wellbeing, self-assertiveness training, healthy lifestyle,  creative arts & crafts workshops and more.


Complementary Therapies

We offer complementary therapies for relaxation, destressing, and trauma release. We will extend the scope of the therapies as the foundation progresses. Therapists will be invited to travel to Luxor and volunteer at the centre, once it is finished. If you would like to volunteer as a therapist, please complete the skills form below!


Yoga Therapy

We will introduce yoga classes for general wellbeing, mental and physical health, relaxation, and pregnancy & post-natal yoga. We will be inviting yoga teachers to travel to Luxor and volunteer at the centre. If you would like to volunteer to teach yoga, please complete the skills form below!


If you feel called to be a part of this vision, please register your interest via the contact form below. Let us know what you would like to offer and if you would like to volunteer in Luxor.


Therapists /Counsellors /Yoga Teachers please fill out the Skills Form by clicking the button below:

Register your interest & get in touch!

Thanks for submitting!

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