What does it mean to be called to a certain land? Why do we feel drawn to certain places on the planet? Why do we feel a specific energy in one location, and not in another?
The answer to this, is that not all places are the same. Mother Earth is alive, and she has a system of energy meridians and chakras. Our individual energy systems respond differently to our environment.
People have always travelled to sacred sites and power places. At Stonehenge in England, it is known that pilgrims travelled from as far as Scotland, the North of Britain, Ireland and even from France and Europe, just to be in that place for sacred ceremony. The leylines, grids and focussed energy are incomparable. The area of Stonehenge, Avebury and Avalon is known as the Heart Chaka of the Earth.
Giza in Egypt is known to be the Throat Chakra of the Earth, and this is where the Great Pyramids were built, and the Sphinx, the world's oldest monument. If you lay out a map of the world with all the leylines and grids, Giza is at the very centre. The throat chakra relates to the Voice, and Hekau - words of power - were at the heart of the Egyptian mysteries.
The land of Egypt is so mysterious, it looks like it has been designed by God, as the Nile river and Nile Delta look like a beautiful blooming Lotus flower. The Blue Lotus is a symbol of Egypt. Giza and Cairo are at the heart of the lotus, and seven tributaries of the Nile used to run from Cairo old town.
All the way along the Nile, from Cairo through Luxor to Aswan, are the temples and power sites of ancient days. Each place has a different vibration, connecting to the power of the land and the waters, inscribed knowledge, huge ancient energies, and rites of days gone by. There is a temple for each chakra, and in our group we will do chakra activations at specific sites. We will meditate and work with sound, and also sacred oils which were offerings to the Gods. Some places are deeply primordial, and they activate the DNA and remembrance in a phenomenal way.
Why does Egypt affect people so powerfully?
The great mystery of Egyptian civilisation, is that there was no rise and fall. The culture was at its height at the very beginning. It arrived there, complete. After a long Golden Age and many thousands of years, it gradually declined. There are different theories on why this is the case. Some believe the Atlanteans came from the sinking continent and founded the culture of Ancient Egypt. Some believe beings came directly from Sirius, bringing advanced knowledge and wisdom to the indigenous people of that land.* The complex tombs and funerary rites were all designed to assist the pharaohs in returning to the Stars from whence they came.
Whatever you choose to believe, or research for yourself, when you come to Egypt and feel the vibrations you will see that it is like nowhere else on earth. The temples and power places have been designed to encompass very specific energies. The Temple is the House of the Neter, it houses the energy of that deity itself. Neter /Neteru is the word for Gods and Goddesses, and it is the root of our word for Nature. The Neteru are forces of nature, aspects of consciousness. When you work with them, you can begin to embody that aspect of consciousness.
The land of Egypt is like a Star map for the Soul, if you know how to read it. One of the earliest circular Zodiacs was found in Denderah, the Temple of Hathor. Egyptian astrology was vast and complex, and took at least twelve years to learn. It was used for aligning with the energies of the land and the waters, of nature, the Sun and Stars, and the cycles of life, death and rebirth. The most important thing to the people was Harmony, and One Love. The cycles of the flooding of the Nile and the fertility of the Black Land of Khemet were celebrated and revered.
Egypt above all is a bountiful and generous land. Her energies are so giving, if you receive and surrender and follow the law of life, showing kindness to the people around you. She will take you on a journey and show you things you never dreamed of. There is so much to learn here, knowledge that is greatly needed in the world today. Time is of the essence. Life is precious. If you are called to Egypt, that means she has a gift for you. This will be a priceless treasure in your heart. And with this treasure, you will be able to shine more light for others.
I will be leading my next pilgrimage to Egypt in November 2023. A group of conscious souls who are ready to rediscover their ancient lives. We will work with astrology and chakra meditations, connecting with the Neteru, the gods and goddesses, and working with sacred oils and sound. We will honour the land and give back to the people as we walk our sacred pilgrimage. Above all, we do our sacred work and send planetary healing as required.
To learn more about the trip, and view the itinerary, click here:
Forever grateful for this... beautiful, life changing experience
"The retreat in Egypt was amazing. My life is forever changed. My conscious mind hasn’t totally comprehended it all but I feel it so deeply at a cellular level. As each day evolved I would think, “This was my favorite temple/site” until the next day came. Each day built on the day before and continued for me throughout the journey. The last early morning inside the Great Pyramid was magical, other worldly, and standing in front The Great Sphinx was very moving. It is hard to find words to describe the depth of emotion of all that I felt. Simply beautiful.
All of our needs were taken care of and everything flowed perfectly. The guides were so knowledgeable and they had so much passion for all they shared with us. Having private access with our group in chambers at the temples, away from the crowds, was amazing.
Katy, you are a beautiful soul with a beautiful heart and you guided us with such grace and love. I’m forever grateful for this group of women you brought together to create such a beautiful, life changing experience."
Cindy Osborne, Holistic Healer, US
Sacred Journey & Priestess Retreat
Laughter, tears, joy, remembering, dancing, and more with soul sisters
“When I saw Katy's advertisement for her Sacred Priestess Journey to Egypt, it was as if all the signs and hints I'd been getting over the last few years suddenly made sense. I had to go. This was no small feat for me, to commit to something like this for myself, and I am so very glad that I did.
We spent 2 weeks exploring beautiful temples and tombs, sailing on and swimming in the Nile, visiting pyramids I didn't know existed, being given access to places I thought I'd never visit and being guided by wonderful, spiritual beings who really got why we were there.
There was so much laughter, tears, joy, remembering, dancing, music making and more with this group of soul sisters, who I had never met and now feel deeply connected to.
At one very special point in our trip, I was stood on a sun disk, and I heard the words 'life will never be the same again' and this is so true. I am forever changed by this sacred journey.
Thank you Katy and thank you to all who came together to make this a trip of a lifetime.”
Melonie Syrett, Drumwoman, UK
Sacred Journey & Priestess Retreat
A deeply empowering place that... blasted my heart wide open
"It is hard to put into words what I experienced on my journey to Egypt with Katy and our incredible group of women. First off I had no desire to go to Egypt but it kept calling me and showing up in my world so I began my search for a retreat. I knew that If I went it had to be a spiritual retreat that went beyond the surface level of the traditional tours. When I came across Katy’s website and read the incredible intinerary I immediately knew I had found my retreat. Egypt was so much more than I could have ever imagined. It is a deeply empowering place that has awakened caged up power within me, and blasted my heart wide open. It gave me the courage to release the things and people in my life that were safe and comfortable allowing me the space to grow beyond my fears, and false limitations. It was the perfect way to end a year of self work. I am new blank canvas ready to paint my masterpiece. So if you are ready for transformation and Egypt has been calling you I highly suggest Katy and her retreat. I am forever grateful to Egypt and most of all the beautiful soul sisters I gained on this journey." Amanda Beisel
Divine Feminine in Egypt
Katy Sophia - Soul Radiance
Ascension Astrologer, Energy Healer, Guide, Retreat Facilitator
Katy is a transformational facilitator who loves holding spiritual retreats at power sites around the world. With over 20 years experience in holistic healing, meditation, astrology and group work, she assists participants to transform their inner obstacles and find self-empowerment. Her soul work is in Egypt, where she met her husband and twin flame. Together they offer healing and alchemical work to assist the ascension.
Katy has led retreats and sacred journeys in Egypt, Glastonbury, and Portugal; and holds womens' circles and meditation groups online. She is Creatrix of Goddess Heart Red Tent, Divine Feminine Healing in Avalon, the School of Ascension Astrology in Luxor, and Sophia Healing Perfume. An experienced facilitator, energy healer and guide, she brings love, peace and sacred wisdom to empower and transform.
*The Sirius Connection by Murry Hope explains these ideas.
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