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Writer's pictureKaty Sophia

Full Moon in Virgo – Return to the Sacred Work

The Full Moon in Virgo brings a deeply sacred healing energy with blessed and fortunate aspects. There is a strongly Piscean energy right now, with four planets in this sign, and the full moon in Virgo brings a point of balance to the watery realms of Pisces.


The Sun entered Pisces a few days ago, and you may be feeling more emotional, with heightened sensitivity and vulnerability. In Pisces, we see the oneness of all things, and we feel compassion for others, as we are able to see that everyone has their burdens and struggles. Pisces is the sign of the empath, and this can be overwhelming at times, so it is important to protect your energy, ground and practise self-care.


The full moon is opposite a stellium in Pisces – this is formed by the Sun joining Mercury and Saturn in a close grouping. With Mercury here, thoughts and communications can become somewhat vague, as you strive to express subtle nuances and elevated concepts. This is powerful for psychic abilities and extra sensory perception.


Saturn’s transit through Pisces is being amplified by this moon. If you work in a field governed by Pisces, such as healing, art, music, film, spiritual work, compassionate caring work; you are being asked to build strong boundaries and develop new structures of working that are flexible and adaptable, yet protective of your energy.


With the stellium in Pisces, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by energy and sense impressions, memories and emotions you may have previously suppressed. The balance of the Virgo moon brings order, practicality, groundedness, and attention to detail.


The sign of Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, an ancient sign relating to the priestess and the lineage of Isis and Mary Magdalene. A virgin was a woman whole and complete unto herself, who devoted her life to the temple traditions, and walking her sacred path. She may or may not have been celibate – the original meaning referred to the qualities of purity and self-sovereignty.


On this full moon, you are called to balance the Virgo Pisces axis within yourself. Where are you too scattered, too undisciplined, where do you need more order and groundedness in your life? Where are you too focused on the small details to see the big picture? Are you holding on too tight and need to let go? Or are you drifting with the current, rootless and unfocused, needing direction?


Virgo and Pisces are like music. Virgo is the rhythm, precise like a heartbeat. Pisces is the melody, fluid and flowing. When they work together, magic happens.


The full moon is making a trine to Jupiter, which is very fortunate beneficent aspect. Some major opportunities may be present at this time – when you find your focus, and go with the flow, your eyes may be opened to new possibilities. Jupiter is one of the rulers of Pisces, and generates expansiveness, abundance, wisdom and higher learning.


We also have a Mars Venus conjunction in Aquarius, which is a coming together of the Divine lovers, masculine and feminine, in the sign of community. This augurs well for humanitarian projects, shared visions and goals; as we continue to unfold our dreams of the new earth.


Overall this full moon is very powerful, positive and sacred. The subtle Piscean energy can assist you in clearing emotions, developing your empathic gifts, and feeling compassion for others. The aspect to Jupiter brings generosity and magnanimity, so you may feel inclined to forgive those who hurt you, and raise your vibrations accordingly.


The full moon in Virgo helps you to focus on your soul path and sacred work, and find a deeper, truer commitment to your own quest for excellence. In the wheatsheaf of the Virgin, the bright star Spica is found, the jewel of brilliance which is the result of right efforts and intense purification.


This is not only for the few – we can all aspire to this brilliance of soul. Allow the profound cosmic energies to support you in seeing a clear vision of the beauty of your own soul.


Full Moon Blessings


Katy Sophia 23.02.2024

Artwork: Sol Goddess by GoddessTempleAtelier


Full Snow Moon 5° Virgo on 24 February @ 12.30 GMT /UT



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