Welcome to the month of August, with its powerful energies of solar fire, and the starry light of Sirius. We are beginning the month with the Sun and Venus in Leo, bringing a sense of flair, creativity and individuality to proceedings. While the Sun is in Leo and Sirius is rising, we can tap into vast inner resources that helps us to become heart centred, authentic and sovereign in our own lives.
The Lionsgate window is active until around 12 August, and Sirius will continue to rise with the Sun across the different latitudes. This is a time to tune in to the illuminating energy of Sirius, the lightcodes, wisdom and revelations that are needed for the next cycle.
4 August the New Moon in Leo brings a pause and reset, and a time to go within amidst all this heightened fire energy. This is an extremely positive moon for manifesting, with beneficial sextiles to Mars and Jupiter, providing energy and scope for new opportunities.
4 August Mercury goes Retrograde at 4* Virgo on the same day as the new moon. This is likely to cause a few misunderstandings and communication issues being in the most nitpicky sign! Be prepared for tech glitches and transport delays. When Mercury retrogrades into Leo, expect egos to clash and tempers to flare.
The Mercury Uranus square which disrupted communication a couple of weeks ago will recur mid-August, so this really is a time to practise tolerance, mindfulness and compassion no matter what others around you are doing.
5 August Venus enters Virgo, and relationships become earthy, sensual, with the focus on reciprocating love languages. On this day Venus reaches the Root Chakra Gate, on her journey of the Ascent of Inanna. This is when the Queen of Heaven reclaims her Royal Robe, and the gifts of stability, security, abundance, providence, life force energy and kundalini.
16 August the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini brings huge energy to the areas of communication, information, speaking, writing, social media – while Mercury is retrograde. New information could come to light and things from the past could be revealed.
This is exact on the same day as the Jupiter Saturn square which is dominating the month of August. This aspect brings friction between the urge to expand and the desire to contract. It is like putting your foot on the accelerator and the brake at the same time. You want to move forwards – and at the same time, you want to be cautious and pull back. This is asking you to find the perfect balance between taking adequate precautions, and calculated risks.
19 August the Full Sturgeon Moon at 27* Aquarius brings the spotlight onto community and humanitarian ventures. This moon has some challenging aspects, with an exact T-square to Uranus, and the Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde. This full moon carries flamboyant expression, and many challenges and conflicts. It is wise to meditate on any internal conflicts you carry, and send peace and blessings to all.
22 August Sun enters Virgo and the season of harvest. This is a beautiful time where the focus is on inner purity, perfecting one’s gifts, working hard and focusing on details, spending time in nature, and working with mind-body disciplines such as yoga, meditation and natural remedies.
28 August Mercury turns Direct at 21* Leo – Mercury retrograde is officially over, but the shadow phase will last two or three weeks more. Make sure to check the details of any agreements thoroughly.
29 August Venus enters Libra and the Goddess of Love is at home in her own sign. Relationships desire peace, harmony, airy perfection, stimulating conversation, and appreciation of the arts and literature.
All in all, this month has some fairly challenging energies. With Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde you are being asked to go within, and spend some time contemplating and meditating on your soul purpose. The Leo energy brings plenty of opportunity to kick back and enjoy being yourself in different ways – however, communication will be an art this summer ;-)
If you would like a personal Astrological consultation, I am here for you, to offer sensitive reflections on your soul path, helping you find the keys to unlock patterns, release the wisdom and shift to the next level.
Maybe you are called to learn astrology, or deepen your study. If so, I invite you to check out the Astro Retreat Luxor, taking place in October. Two more places are available with a bring-a-friend offer :)
If you are guided to an Akashic reading on the Full Moon in Aquarius, (or any other time), I offer this combined with distance Sekhem energy healing, and clients give wonderful feedback on these sessions.
The next Sacred Journey through Egypt is taking place in November, it is almost full and only two sister places remain! We are blessed to have private access in the Isis Temple at Philae Island, where we will do priestess of Isis initiations at dawn. We also have our private Soul Healing ceremony in the Great Pyramid of Giza, a once in a lifetime experience.
Wishing you a blessed month of solar fire and starry light
Love & blessings
Katy x
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