The New Moon at 1° Aquarius ushers in the breeze of change. The Sun and Moon in Aquarius are setting the tone for the month ahead, bringing a lighter, brighter energy after the challenges of the past month. There are some extremely positive aspects around this moon, generating a sense of hope and upliftment, expanding the possibilities that surround you.
We have been through some fairly dense energies in the past month, with several planets in Capricorn, including Mercury retrograde. It has been a time for going over the nuts and bolts of your life, with potential sticking points and communication blocks arising. Mercury is now moving direct, and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is about to turn direct, freeing up vast amounts of energy for forwards movement. It is time to take what you have learned, and advance with strong foundations. Now everything is in place, just trust that the universe will carry you. We have the energy of ‘The Fool’ card in the tarot, with limitless possibilities, and a sense of adventure, freedom and trust.
Aquarius is the overriding energy, as we enter into the Aquarian age. Uranus the ‘Great Awakener’ brings the ascension frequencies and incoming light codes to help us remember our star origins, and raise the light quotient in our bodies. This is a time to connect higher, and meditate on the now message we need to hear. Aquarian energy brings people together, and is the great leveller. Once we understand the universal truths, we realise we are all the same. All over Mother Gaia, sisters and brothers are uniting in common purpose, in community projects and sacred medicine. The new earth is here.
The new moon is making a trine to Mars, now moving direct in Gemini. This gives easy access to a new course of action, and mentally directed projects. The divine masculine has undergone some healing in recent months, and certain communication issues should be ironed out. You may feel more comfortable with your inner masculine, and more confident in taking aligned action from heart and Source. It is time to speak the things you want to say, as they will be received well at this time.
The new moon is making a sextile to Jupiter in Aries, bringing exciting opportunities and new possibilities for expansion. Jupiter is Mars-ruled, creating a powerful Mars Jupiter energy of new beginnings, action, expansion, drive, success and abundance. The opportunities around you now could really catch fire and take off, with the proper focus and nurturing. This new moon window is a time to bring more of your power into alignment with your heart, and create magic and miracles.
The new moon is also conjunct Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn, reminding us that we must do our shadow work or our shadow will catch up with us. If you don’t face your fears, your fears will face you. When you face the shadow, usually it becomes something manageable that can be overcome, rather than something overpowering. Of course, we have the collective shadow and collective fears, and the outcome of world events is uncertain. This is why hope exists in the hearts of humanity, and the spirit to live our truth and make the changes we need to make in our own lives. In order to do this, we must disconnect from collective fear as an oppressive energy, and find that sparkling cord of light connecting us to our higher purpose.
As well as the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, we also have a Venus Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, bringing strength and independence to the divine feminine. We must stand strong in our purpose, in tune with the higher frequencies, electrical energies and star guidance; as well as being truly grounded and able to operate in the material world.
This new moon sets the tone for the month ahead, also the year ahead. The new moon in Aquarius is Chinese New Year, and also Tibetan New Year. It carries an energy of newness and change. As we step forward, stronger than before, more aware of our power and light, it is time to release the shackles of the mind, and truly realise that anything is possible. We are all sparks of God. What would happen if we focused more on that, and less on the artificial matrix?
Aquarian Souls Rise Up
New Moon Blessings
Katy Sophia 21.01.2023
Super New Moon at 1° Aquarius on 21 January at 20.54 GMT /UT
#newmoon #aquarius #breezeofchange #newbeginnings #uranusdirect #mercurydirect #shift #frequencyshift #purpose #guidance #hope #change