This Full Moon is characterised by an abundance of planets in dreamy Pisces, and a sharp opposition to Virgo, bringing a wake up call and reality check.
The Sun and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces, illuminating the energy of dreams and illusions. Our highest spiritual longings and aspirations are being felt now on a more conscious level than before. Your deepest calling may reveal itself in dreams and visions, divine guidance and clear messages from higher realms.
Mercury is swimming through the vast ocean of Pisces towards Jupiter, magnifying subtle sense impressions and empathic communication, telepathy, emotional connection and expanded consciousness.
With all of this dreamy energy, it is easy to get caught up in illusions, as when the mind is not clear it projects personal desires onto the truth. Meditate on being the still, clear mirror. Unguided channelling is not recommended, as energy protection and checks need to be in place. If you channel higher beings they may still have an agenda, and it is important to remember this. Information needs to be checked and not simply relayed as the “truth”. Many false and distorted visions are being peddled as we exit the Age of Pisces.
As the Moon in Virgo comes into opposition with the Sun and Neptune in Pisces, our vision will be tested and illusions may be pierced by the crystalline needle of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of purity. The sacred maiden who separates the wheat from the chaff, discarding all that is impure and unnecessary, with laser-like discernment, diligence and humility. This reveals the star of brilliance at the heart of her efforts.
What are your dreams built on? What are the nuts and bolts that need to be put in place to get you there? What are the fine details? The practical energy of discernment, fine-tuning and streamlining ideas is needed to provide the balance.
If you have anything between 22° Pisces /2° Aries, 22° Virgo /2° Libra, and also 22° Sagittarius /2° Capricorn, 22° Gemini /2° Cancer this full moon will be intensified for you. Look at the houses where the Sun and Moon fall in your chart, to see which areas of life are being highlighted.
Some extra friction may be introduced with Mars, Venus and Saturn squaring Uranus. More unpredictable events and glitches may occur, so remember to keep your balance and hold your focus. Mars and Venus are travelling together through Aquarius, the masculine and feminine united in their quest for freedom, humanity and new enlightened community. Uranus is the disruptor, reminding us that creating a whole new way of being is not without physical and technical issues, which have to be dealt with in the flow. As Uranus works its way through the fixed earth of Taurus, we dance on a shifting carpet. Obstacles and glitches are normal – just part of life, and we learn to navigate them skilfully.
Within the energy of this lunation is a beautiful key to transforming our deepest obstacles. The Sun and Neptune in Pisces are making a sextile to Pluto, and the Virgo Moon is making a trine to Pluto. This creates a wonderful flowing energy bringing insights and revelations as to what is holding us back, and how we can truly access our power and live as limitless beings on the Earth.
The Moon is also making magical, creative aspects to Venus and Uranus, bringing a spark to our relationships, and genius inspiration to go to a whole new level.
As you reflect and meditate on this beautiful full moon, connect to divine guidance and honour your dreams. Give thanks for the grounded focus and crystalline precision of the Virgo Moon, and notice any details that are shown to you. The solar energy is rising as we head into the Equinox on Sunday, bringing balance to the days and nights. The equinox window is 24 hours either side of the equinox, a time when the earth’s magnetic field is lowered and meditation is stronger. The Sun will enter Aries, as the Light prevails and life is born anew.
Let us make the most of this supercharged moment and ride with the energies of Creation. Focus on living our fullest human potential, in accordance with the Soul. Let us dream the best for humanity, as the tide of life rises, and we feel the strength of Divinity within. We are magical alchemical beings. We can shift in an instant, and experience new life.
Full Moon Equinox Blessings
Katy Sophia
Full Moon 27° Virgo 18 March @ 07.17 GMT /UT
Spring Equinox Sun 0° Aries 20 March @ 15.45 GMT /UT