The Full Moon in Cancer brings the focus onto deep emotions that may have been previously suppressed. This is a Mars Moon with aspects to Uranus, and it is important to honour and acknowledge your feelings so as not to be destabilised and thrown off balance.
The full moon illuminates its ruling sign, cardinal water. Cancer brings the lessons of mastering the astral and feeling realms. As the Sun makes its way through pragmatic Capricorn, we are reminded of the inner life and why we do what we do. The focus shifts to home and family, and whether the environment is caring and nurturing, or more detached.
The focus of Cancer is about family; and this includes soul family and those we love. The axis of Cancer and Capricorn is about family and tradition, home and business, instilled values through the generations, and how we can break away from ancestral karma. This is also the Mother Father axis, highlighting how these relationships shaped us and how we carry them forward. These issues may be prominent at this time.
The full moon is conjunct Mars retrograde, which may bring out anger relating to the past. As Mars continues its retrograde cycle we are going back over past actions, retracing our steps, and looking within. Mars in aspect to the full moon can bring out domestic tensions, conflict and unresolved issues.
Uranus, the Great Awakener and planet of change is positively aspecting the Sun and Moon. This means great insights for change can be gained from events happening at this time, if you approach things in a conscious manner. You may be shown how to move forwards in a completely new way, freeing yourself from the past. Unconscious behaviour, however, can touch on sensitive triggers and cause explosive reactions as this is a very touchy full moon.
Mars retrograde in Cancer is about deep healing of the masculine. It causes the masculine to be more aware of his feelings and core wounds, the sadness behind the anger, and issues relating to the mother. This is what the collective is currently processing, and the full moon brings the spotlight onto these areas. Sometimes male anger and toxicity stems from a feeling of being controlled by the feminine. Mars in Cancer needs to feel at home in the feminine energy, and safe to be himself. In retrograde, we are looking more deeply into the causes of past wounding, especially if Mars touches a sensitive point in your chart.
Mars will move direct on February 23, and the active energy will once again be outgoing and forward moving. This full moon is about releasing the emotions that need to be expressed so the healing can be complete.
The sextile and trine to Uranus are bringing higher frequencies through, and remind us of the need for emotional detachment. Yes, it is important to honour and acknowledge your feelings. However, wallowing too long in sadness or victim mentality is harmful, and the feelings must be released and let go. Greater things are at stake, like the wellbeing of the planet and the struggles humanity is facing. Uranus calls us to greater service, lifting our minds beyond our own needs to the greater human family.
Overall on this full moon we could see leadership clashes, powerplays, emotional dramas and manipulations. We are witnessing a surfacing of past tensions, and a bubbling up of pent-up emotions. Awareness and acceptance of the past, acknowledgement of triggers, and taking responsibility for your own emotions will help you to heal, release and move on. Uranus is bringing the opportunity to cut ties that are draining you, let go of old emotions and move forwards once and for all.
Cancer is the mother, and the mother is unconditional love. Unconditional love for all, and unconditional love for yourself. The Queen of Cups is filled by the pouring of spiritual sustenance from within. A queen has no need to beg; she is regal and Divine, and can give and forgive freely, as she is always replenished by her own soul. If tensions and conflicts emerge, remember to shift the inner focus back to love, rather than getting drawn into dramas.
Emotional mastery allows for deep healing and a new maturity to emerge.
Full moon blessings
Katy Sophia 13.01.2025
Full Wolf Moon 24° Cancer on 13 January @22.26 GMT /UT
Artwork: Moon Goddess by Veronique Smith Faustino