This Blue Moon, the second full moon in Capricorn at the 29th degree, puts us under intense pressure to evolve. Events may be reaching crisis point. An aspect to Pluto is bringing out deep rooted issues and powerful soul tests. The Cancer Capricorn axis is highlighting family matters, and practical concerns which can no longer be ignored.
Throughout the past few weeks, we have been tested by Pluto retrograde, which opposed Mercury, then Venus, and now the Sun. The opposition to Mercury brought out issues from the deep psyche, and may have sent you into negative thought spirals, and awareness of karmic patterns. The opposition to Venus two weeks ago brought up obstructions in relationships; and issues with soul mates and deep soul connections. This past week we have had Pluto moving into opposition with the Sun, which brings the shadow of all that is blocking you into clear view.
If you feel you are being tested, you are not alone. If you have had to deal with difficult people, who may be controlling, narcissistic or draining, this is part of your challenge in how to uphold your boundaries. If you have had problems emerging with the people close to you, especially family, this a soul test to see if you can embody the principles you believe in, and stay strong under pressure. The Cancer Capricorn axis holds the mother father energy, and the archetypes you carry within you. Your relationship with your parents, your children, and also authority figures, will be showing you patterns in your psyche reflected back at you.
During the past month, the Sun has been moving through Cancer, teaching us about emotional mastery. As all your deeply buried emotions emerge, the question is, how do you manage them? Are you able to honour, accept and process your emotions, giving them time and space? Do you push them down and try to disown them, believing them to be weakness? Or do you wallow in them with no end in sight, turning to crutches and addictions?
This powerful full moon conjunct Pluto is asking you to check your emotional status, and whether you are able to integrate this within your soul self, keeping it in balance.
The 29th degree of Cancer brings up all the emotions, and also issues relating to family, home, and protection. Events may have come to a head, meaning that they can no longer be ignored. The empowered Cancerian energy is a strong protector; loving, nurturing and accepting; fierce when it is required; and knowing when to do the right thing like a mother bear.
The 29th degree of Capricorn brings material concerns to a head; and issues of stability and safety may be prominent. With Saturn retrograde, this is not a time for shortcuts in financial matters, and things should be carefully thought through to make sure they are watertight. Saturn retrograde also delivers karmic repercussions, so you may be reaping the results of past actions, positive or negative.
A trine and sextile to Mars and Uranus gives an opportunity to integrate the difficult energies of this week, and the Mars Uranus Algol conjunction which may have brought out some demons. Whatever may have emerged, you are now being asked to take the soul learning from it and give thanks.
The signs of Cancer and Capricorn are so fundamental to who we are, as Cancer is the doorway to life, and Capricorn is the exit point. This lunation is a powerful window of opportunity for soul mastery.
It is impossible to live life without any problems. What matters is how you deal with them. It is impossible to live without crises and challenges; these are how we expand, evolve and grow. Soul evolution is why we are here.
The 29th degree of Cancer asks you to let go of unhealthy emotions like guilt and shame. We cannot change the past; we can only move forwards in the most enlightened way possible. It also asks you to let go of blame, victimhood, and projection. We are all just souls living out our stories on this earth; we all have our soul contracts and dramas, and our learning experiences. All will be forgotten in the dusts of time.
What will be remembered is love. What will live on throughout eternity is love. Love is not created or destroyed. Love is eternal – Love is Divine.
Our Divine nature is what we must remember when life on earth gets too hard. When the pressure gets so intense that it becomes unbearable – that is precisely when you can become like a diamond. Radiant with the light that shines from within. Transcendent – ethereal – angelic.
Above all – remember – you are not alone.
Remember – everything you need is within you.
Full Moon Blessings
Katy Sophia 20.07.2024
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