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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 31 January 2018

Writer's picture: Katy SophiaKaty Sophia

This full moon occurs at 1.26pm UT on Wednesday 31st January, at 11 degrees Leo. The eclipse will be visible in North Western North America, The Pacific, Asia and Australia. If you have any planets around 11 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio this moon will affect you quite strongly.

The Full Moon is illuminating the sign of Leo, which is your creative self-expression, unique style and spiritual heart. This gives you the opportunity to shine and let your natural flamboyance out. While the Sun is in the opposite sign of Aquarius, calling us to balance self-centredness with the good of the collective, asking whether you could do more to benefit the community where you live, or the people of the world in some way. What small change could you make, that would help to make a difference? What selfless act of kindness could change somebody’s world?

The sign of Leo can be prone to egotism and arrogance, so be vigilant of the shadow traits if Leo is strong in your chart. Actively remember humility every moment, and cultivate the true spiritual heart of the Lion. The balance of Leo and Aquarius lies in shining your unique light, stepping out there, and joining your brothers and sisters in harmony and co-operation. Competition is a thing of the past.

The moment of the exact eclipse is a powerful portal, which gives us the opportunity to let go of massive amounts of karma and mental limitations, emotional blocks, old limiting patterns and ancient dross. This lasts for one hour and sixteen minutes, between 12.48 – 14.04 UT. If you can take this time to meditate, and really surrender to the eclipse, you will reap rich rewards.

The Rishis of India say that any spiritual practice done during an eclipse will be magnified thousands or even millions of times over. Whatever your practice is, chanting, meditating, Zen, or Dzogchen make the most of this time!

The Moon is Leo is applying to the North Node, encouraging you to step into the arena of your greatest challenge and overcome your fears. Let your light shine and be more outgoing where it counts. The Sun in Aquarius is applying to Venus, opposing the Moon, which could bring out conflicts in relationships, as individuals can no longer mask their true desires or change who they are in order to compromise.

The Moon is quincunx to Neptune, which means that spirit will niggle away at you if you are ignoring or denying something, or neglecting your practice! This could be a time of over sensitivity, confusion and miscommunications so there really is nothing for it but to sit and meditate, surrender to the eclipse, and release your burdens. It is time.

Namaste dear ones.

Katy Keel 30.01.2018

Soul Radiance Astrology

Facebook: Soul Radiance

Instagram: katy.keel

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