The Cycle of Venus contains a great mystery of cosmic order, harmony and beauty. Venus is the Earth's twin in space. The same size as Earth, she rotates in the opposite direction. Venus is named as the Roman Goddess Venus, the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, who is also Inanna, Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven; the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Relationships, Sexuality, and the Divine Feminine. In astrology, Venus is the feminine aspect, love, relationships, beauty, talent, money, and the principle of attraction. This is why she relates to money and abundance, as we attract these to us with our energy. Her planetary opposite is Uranus whose energy repels. Venus is a personal planet and her energy affects us very strongly. ​ Venus has an 8 year cycle in which she traces a 5 pointed star, and an 8 pointed star between the Earth and the Sun. Her synodic cycle lasts 584 days, or approximately 19 months. During the 8 year cycle, Venus aligns with the Earth and Sun 5 times, for 5 synodic cycles, drawing the cosmic pentagram. She orbits the Sun 13 times. The octagonal cycle is created every 8 solar years when she returns to the same point in the sky where she began.
Venus as the Libra Meta Goddess
From October 2018 to May 2020 Venus completed a synodic cycle as the Libra Meta Goddess. This cycle brought issues of harmony and balance to relationships. Strong in her own sign of sacred balance and beauty, as the Goddess Ma'at she weaved the threads of cosmic order into our lives. You may have noticed issues arising in relationships relating to the balance of masculine and feminine energies, giving and receiving, power and aquiescence, and the Divine Feminine being acknowledged. ​ Venus as the Gemini Meta Goddess
In June 2020 Venus began a new synodic cycle as the Gemini Meta Goddess, which will last until December 2021. She is here to bring sacred playfulness, creativity, communication and magic into our relationships. The cycle began with the Inferior Conjunction on 3 June, while Venus was retrograde, and she rose before the Sun. At her Direct Station on 25 June, she began moving direct, becoming more and more brilliant as the Morning Star.
3 June 2020 Inferior Conjunction: Venus retrograde rises before the Sun
25 June 2020 Direct Station: Venus begins to move direct, and rises as the Morning Star ​ 17 July 2020 she reaches the first Chakra Gate, the Crown Chakra, the Gate of Authority Inanna the Queen of Heaven begins her descent towards the Underworld, and removes her Royal Crown. This is the time to meditate on opening the Crown Chakra, and clearing any blocks here. The Crown is our connection to Source, and the gateway between the body and the universe. When it is fully open and functioning, we can live as a Sovereign Being. This was the meaning of royalty being chosen by God. ​ 13 August 2020 she reaches the second Chakra Gate, the Brow Chakra, the Gate of Perception (maximum elongation West) Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the second gate, and surrenders her Royal Staff, or Lapis Wand. This is the time to meditate on opening the Third Eye, and clearing any blocks here. The Third Eye is the window of perception, which creates our world through karmic vision. Let go of all the blocks here so you can truly see. It is important to decalcify the pineal gland by avoiding fluoride, taking tamarind, good calcium and magnesium, chlorella, and crystal elixirs.
14 September 2020 she reaches the third Chakra Gate, the Throat Chakra, the Gate of Communication Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the third gate, and surrenders her Necklace of Lapis Lazuli beads. This is the time to meditate on opening the Throat Chakra, and clearing any blocks here. The Goddess wishes to communicate her truth and authenticity through this chakra. Release any bindings and woundings here so your voice can shine through.
13 October 2020 she reaches the fourth Chakra Gate, the Heart Chakra, the Gate of Compassion Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the fourth gate, and surrenders her Golden Breastplate. This is the time to meditate on opening the Heart Chakra, and clearing any blocks here. The Heart is the House of the Spirit and the Gateway to the Divine. Let go of all pain and heartache, and release your armouring. The Goddess wishes you to be free.
13 November 2020 she reaches the fifth Chakra Gate, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Gate of Personal Power Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the fifth gate, and surrenders her Ring of Power. This is the time to meditate on opening the Solar Plexus, and clearing any blocks here. The Solar Plexus is the centre of our personal power in the world. Release all fears, anger, subconcious patternings and addictive behavioiurs. Let your true confidence emerge.
13 December 2020 she reaches the sixth Chakra Gate, the Sacral Chakra, the Gate of Creativity Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the sixth gate, and surrenders her Hip Sash. This is the time to meditate on opening the Sacral Chakra, and clearing any blocks here. The Sacral is the centre of our sacred creativity, fertility, emotions and sacred love. Release all past woundings, armouring and blocks. Allow the Goddess to heal you.
12 January 2021 she reaches the seventh Chakra Gate, the Base Chakra, the Gate of Manifestation Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the seventh gate, and surrenders her Royal Robe. This is the time to meditate on opening the Base Chakra, and clearing any blocks here. The Base chakra holds key survival issues of how we manifest and are provided for by Mother Gaia. Childhood trauma can create woundings here which affect our ability to manifest. Release and let go deeply of all blocks held here.
11 February 2021 she reaches the eighth Chakra Gate, the Earth Star Chakra, the Death by Intent Gate Inanna the Queen of Heaven reaches the eighth gate. This is her shamanic death and rebirth. Her Father in Heaven sends helpers to rescue her from the underworld, and restore her to her rightful place. Meditate on releasing stuck energy and blocks from the Earth Star, grounding deeply into the earth and making your peace with the underworld. Let go completely and prepare for your rebirth.
26 March 2021 Superior Conjunction: Venus is in the Underworld, preparing to rise as the Evening Star
29 October 2021 Maximum elongation East
19 December 2021 Retrograde Station: this retrograde leads to the new synodic cycle and the Inferior Conjunction
#venus #cycleofvenus #libragoddess #geminigoddess #synodiccycle #inanna #queenofheaven #ishtar #aphrodite #chakragates #venuschakragates