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  • Writer's pictureKaty Sophia

February Energies

Cosmic Energy Update


The cosmic energies for February are full of change and new beginnings.


Imbolc on 1 February brings hope and renewal, as the first shoots of spring appear. And so it is in our hearts. Tend carefully the impulses of new life, and nurture them well as they grow.


Mercury enters Aquarius on 5 February, where it conjuncts Pluto, and our thoughts will be very much focused on the new era to come. Future possibilities are endless, and there is room for your soul to grow. If you are called to new beginnings in your life, now is the time to activate them.


The New Moon in Aquarius on 9 February brings exciting possibilities, and it has a square to Uranus, bringing that unpredictable Aquarian edge to proceedings. Mars and Venus in Capricorn, the hard-working masculine and feminine, have a serious focus as they build structures for the new earth. The collective North Node is conjunct Chiron in Aries, calling us to heal the wounds of the toxic masculine, unhealed anger, blame and projections. Overall, this moon is all about the new.


Mars enters Aquarius on the 13 February just in time for Valentine’s Day – heralding a new template for the Divine masculine archetype. Mars in Aquarius is a warrior of humanitarian ideas and projects.


Venus enters Aquarius on the 16 February joining Mars here. Venus in Aquarius is the future feminine, sharing her Divine gifts throughout the human family, regardless of status or superficial differences.


The Sun enters Pisces on the 19 February for its annual sojourn through the ethereal waters of this mystical and devotional sign. The next 30 days are a time of releasing, dreaming, journaling and letting go before the Spring Equinox in March.


The Full Moon in Virgo on 24 February brings a contrast to the strongly Piscean energies at this time, with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune all in the sign of the fishes. Thoughts and reflections will be elevated and compassionate, as we create new spiritual boundaries and learn to work in 5D. The full moon in Virgo illuminates your sacred work, and the details of your calling. With Black Moon Lilith also in Virgo, you are being called to purge any energies that are blocking you from fulfilling your priestess path. On this day, Mars and Venus conjoin in Aquarius, highlighting the templates of future man and future woman working together harmoniously.


Wishing you a beautiful month full of hope, fresh energy, and inspired new beginnings.




Katy Sophia

Artwork: Rassouli - Divine Grace




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