Welcome to the Red Tent
The Red Tent is traditionally held on the New Moon for women to gather together in the spirit of sisterhood and cooperation, providing a safe space to share the ups and downs of the previous month, offer support, consult the oracle, discuss astrological themes, set intentions, meditate, journey, chant and feast together. There will be different activities / talks each month, ranging from healing, crystals, head massage, making aromatherapy blends, tarot, belly dancing, yoga, trance dance, crafts, sharing smoothie recipes - or whatever participants would like to suggest.
These events are deeply nurturing and give us the space to be ourselves as women, embracing our power and insight, and developing our skills and knowledge in different areas. The Red Tent has been held in many cultures the world over, and it was traditionally a place for learning and honing divination skills, meditation, healing and massage, health and nutrition, natural beauty, dance, yoga and sacred sexuality as well as arts and crafts.
Maidens would be allowed into the Red Tent at their first moontime, and enjoyed three days of celebrations to welcome them into womanhood. All phases of womanhood would be nurutured and supported, through pregnancy and motherhood to the wise crones, the wisdom keepers and elders of the circle. In this way women had access to a network of support and cooperation throughout their lives, doing away with the need for competitiveness and divisiveness, features of a patriarchal society.
Once again the Red Tent has returned, and is a grass roots movement happening all over the world. Join a Red Tent near you, and experience the magic of connecting and contributing to the rise of the sacred Divine Feminine.
Katy Keel is a Red Tent Facilitator and Teacher of Energy Healing. She brings together her knowledge of leading groups and retreats, with 18 years experience as a healer, astrologer, therapist, coach and meditation guide into the Red Tent circle.
Email: RedTent@katykeel.com
Creating your own Red Tent - online course available soon
All you need to know to hold your very own Red Tent women's circle. This complete, self-paced online course covers all the aspects of planning, setting up and holding your own circles. From calling in your circle to creating sacred space, working with crystals and essences, and lunar astrology, the course includes guidance on writing meditations, and facilitating sharing circles.