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Earth Chakra Day Avalon 7 August 2022


You are warmly invited to come and join us for this very special day on 7th August. We will gather in Avalon in the Lions Gate portal to walk the chakras of the Tor. Glastonbury Tor has its own chakra points, in this, the Heart Chakra of the Earth. We will meditate on the chakras for personal and planetary healing, connecting into the Earth Chakras of Gaia. The morning will be spent at the Chalice Well Gardens cleansing and purifiying ourselves, embodying the Goddess and the Divine Feminine energy. At the White Spring we will cleanse in the pure white waters, offering prayers and song, before ascending the Tor to do our sacred work. The guided meditations will be accompanied by crystal bowls with Alicia, and flute and chalice with Veronica Nilah. 


10am Chalice Well Gardens - Opening Circle

Embodying the Goddess & the Divine Feminine

Purification in the Red Spring, the Lions Head fountain and the Well Head. Anointing with Sacred Frankincense with Veronica Nilah

12pm White Spring – Purification Ceremony. Offering prayers, mantras & sacred sound

1pm Lunch in Glastonbury

2pm Glastonbury Tor – walking the Chakras of the Tor

Seven Meditations on the Chakras connecting the chakras of the Tor with the chakras of Mother Gaia

Guided by Katy Sophia

Crystal Bowl Soundbath with Alicia

Flute and Chalice Soundbath with Veronica Nilah

Anointing with Sacred Frankincense & Blue Lotus with Veronica Nilah

6pm Finish


Cost: £65


Accommodation: you will need to book this if needed, recommendations can be given

Entrance fees are included in the price

Lunch: we will enjoy a cafe lunch in Glastonbury, veg /vegan options available

Rainbow Lion

Lions Gate Avebury 8 August 2022


We will gather in Avebury on the 8.8 Lions Gate for planetary lightwork, and gridwork in the stones. We will circle together, enjoy a crystal bowl sound bath, and walk the stones in this profoundly powerful sacred site. At the Sanctuary we will honour our ancestors and send healing to our ancestral lines. At West Kennet Longbarrow and Silbury Hill, we will drum to the ancient ones, honouring them and connecting with the power of ancient lives, awakening the highest gifts in the Ascension timeline. Bring drums and rattles.


10.30am Avebury Stones - Meet and assemble

11am Circle in the Stones – Planetary Lightwork & Prayers guided by Katy Sophia

Crystal Bowl Soundbath with Alicia

Walking the Stones & the Faery Trees

1pm Lunch in Avebury

2.30pm The Sanctuary – Honouring the Ancestors guided by Katy Sophia

Crystal Bowl Soundbath with Alicia

3.30pm West Kennet Longbarrow - Drumming to the Ancient Ones

Silbury Hill

6pm Finish


Cost: £65


Accommodation: you will need to book this if needed, recommendations can be given

Entrance fees are included in the price

Lunch: we will enjoy a pub lunch in Avebury at the Red Lion. Veg /vegan options available

​Enquires & to book: /to request direct transfer detail

Stonehenge Priestess

Katy Sophia - Retreat Facilitator


Katy is a transformational facilitator who loves holding spiritual retreats at power sites around the world. With over 20 years experience in holistic healing, meditation, astrology and group work, she assists participants to transform their inner obstacles and find self-empowerment. Her soul work is in Egypt, where she met her husband and twin flame. Together they offer healing and alchemical work to assist the ascension.


Katy has led retreats and sacred journeys in Egypt, Glastonbury, and Portugal; she runs womens' circles and Red Tents in London; and teaches astrology, energy healing, & feminine empowerment. A skilled and experienced facilitator, astrologer, healer, coach and guide, she combines multi-faceted sacred knowledge to empower and transform.


Contact Katy Sophia for a session

Relax with Alicia

@relaxwithalicia - Sound Healing

Alicia grew up chanting Sanskrit Mantras with Thai monks and practised Therapeutic Sound Treatments and Mindfulness all over the world including LA, London, Ibiza and Thailand. 


Alicia is fascinated by the combination of science and spirituality and the proven effects of how powerful these are on the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of the human body. These relaxation modalities activate our parasympathetic nervous system (the body’s natural, restorative state). 

This encourages a deep state of relaxation and calm into our busy, hectic lifestyle.  She is qualified with the British Academy of Sound Therapy and has numerous other certifications in mindfulness, breathwork, sound and the voice. 

Alicia is a member of Federation of Holistic Therapists ( FHT ).


Nilah Soundhealer

Veronica Nilah

Sound Healer, Sacred Sound Journeys with Sacred Oils

Veronica Nilah offers unique multisensory soundscape experiences bringing the healing power of sound into ritual and ceremony. In her Sacred Sound Ceremonies, she integrates the ancient Temple Tradition of Sacred Scents - using Sacred Oils and ancient resins - connecting to the spirit medicine and soul essence of plants. She is the creatrix of Sothis Sacred Oils and founder of Sothis Temple where Sacred Art, Sacred Scents and Sacred Sounds meet in unison to celebrate life, nourish the soul and nurture healing and spiritual growth.


Veronica is a visionary artist Spirit inspired and a multidisciplinary intuitive healer; in the past two decades she gathered experience in the Holistic Healing Arts and as a workshop facilitator.

"Thank you so much for the most amazing time in Glastonbury and the Isle of Avalon, I could never imagine being introduced to it in any other way - perfect, just perfect.

I have done some of the most amazingly deep and healing work for myself, our Ancestors, the Land, the Universe, our Sisters and our Brothers.

I am filled with love and gratitude for the experience

Namaste Sister xxx"

Rachel Cross, Holistic Therapist /Yoga Instructor

Goddess Retreat Glastonbury


"Last year I did this retreat it was without a doubt the best retreat I've ever done. Katy is a beautiful soul and I got to meet a fabulous group of women and also had the opportunity to visit sacred sites and do ceremonies with them. A very special retreat I will remember in my heart. Eternally grateful 💖"

Susanne Mary, Healer

Goddess Retreat Glastonbury

All enquiries and to book your place:


"Thank you to Katy Sophia for a beautiful retreat in Glastonbury that was both challenging, healing and peaceful, to all the beautiful people I shared it with, also thank you for allowing me to share my sound work, which I feel was the most deep and powerful ever the energies were off the wall.

Feeling a great shift in moving forward embracing my own magnificence."

Maria Love, Sound Healer

Soul Healing in Avalon


"Wonderful weekend with beautiful gifts that I will cherish throughout my life journey. Great experience, I enjoyed every moment.

The retreat house was extra special with the views, so captivating.  I loved the walks in the country, visits in the local area, the activations in the field where we sat in a circle felt very special, the connection with nature and activations words can't describe was truly amazing.

The experience at the Chalice Well was beautiful, having the time to wander the grounds and be at one with the gifts offered."

Mandy Hare, Consultant

Avalon Retreat

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